SJR Securities Blog - Everything worth knowing about the Security Industry.

By Nie Williams July 9, 2018
Historically, the security industry is a field which has been predominantly comprised of male employees. In recent years, more women have shown interest in security, creating an opportunity for companies to even the playing field and make room for gender equality in the workplace.
By Nie Williams June 1, 2018
Events Security is a hot topic right now, especially in our present social climate. the value of the effective emergency response. Risks a business may face if security planning isn’t correctly done.
By Nie Williams April 16, 2018
This article is about the growth in recent years in the Security industry and the benefits of becoming a security guard.
By Nie Williams March 1, 2018
Keep your assets safe and your mind at peace with New York security services from SJR. We can help with family protection, armed and unarmed guards, loss prevention, special event security, estate protection, construction security, chauffeured transportation, personal protection, fire safety, and more.

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